Adult Family





  1. To encourage families to take in God’s word together through family devotions and daily prayer.
  2. To provide Christian fellowship within the family structure and with other families to strengthen the unity of the Church.
  3. To develop the family structure according to God’s word.
  4. To train families to share the Good News in their communities to non-Christian families.
  5. To help and encourage single parent families in nurturing and developing children to be what God wants them to be.


This ministry will serve as a bridge between past and future generations. It will also serve as means of ensuring the continued leadership, legacy, and longevity of The Tab Church. All of our efforts in this ministry will be geared towards taking enery that young adults have and investing it in the building of GOD’s Kingdom.




  • Get 100% participation. Every member of this Church in the 18 to Twenty-Something ministry active in at least one other ministry besides our ministry.
  • Get 100% growth in membership. Every member will be responsible for inviting at least one member into our ministry.
  • That the events planned will not only help save a lost nation, but also increase their commitment to CHRIST for those of us that have been in the church long enough; it is time for us to grow. I want to also increase the camaraderie amongst ourselves: just being there for one another. Galatians 6:2 – Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of CHRIST.


  • Family Night
  • Couples Ministry
  • Singles Ministry
  • 18 to 20 Something Ministry