
God’s desire is for us to increase his kingdom by caring out the “Great Commission” as stated in Mathew 28:19. What better way to achieve this goal that by doing Missions in the and Southeast Houston community. These missions will not only deliver the lost to God, but will also enrich the Christian walk of our members, young and old by empowering them through the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses.

Mission Statement: To enhance the membership and worship experience at Tabernacle, through Community Mission Work, Prayer Ministry, Teaching and training disciples into service through the various auxiliaries of the Evangelism Department.



  • To carry out the Great Commission in the southeast Houston community.
  • To provide spiritual growth via missions, prayer, and training in the various auxiliaries i.e. Men’s Ministry, SOMC, and Youth projects.
  • Create meaningful Mission opportunities and positive relationships that inspire team building, mental and spiritual growth through service for the Lord.
  • Prepare and renew and nurture Evangelical Leaders under the power of the Holy Spirit so that the church can be faithful in its response to God’s call to mission and evangelism.



  • To encourage people of all ages to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, to engage in witness, mission work and community awareness.
  • Achieve God’s will for the southeast houston community by doing missions.
  • Host a variety of inspirational evangelical rallies, gatherings and revivals
  • Create and expand partnerships with both community churches and leaders
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive church wide spiritual mentoring program
  • Increase the visibility of the Katy community through various media outlets.
  • Create a positive, motivated youth mission department to have an effective change for our community.
  • Work closely with all Department and Auxiliary leaders to ensure cohesiveness in our duties to God, Church and Community.
  • Develop mission leaders through the identification and training of children, youth and young adults in order that we may be effective in our mission and evangelism duties.


Ministries include:

Missions Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Prayer Ministry

Royal Ambassadors

Commitment Sunday


Acteen & Girls

Criminal Justice Ministry

Witness Training

Prospect Visitation